Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Blog 4

It is time people stop focusing on all the bad things obama has does, and to start looking at all the good things.The president is always blamed for thing that go bad in the country. When ebola stuck the U.S. Obama was blamed. In reality had nothing to with ebola. It’s outrageous what people blame obama of.
Obama is not a bad president as most people think. For many years immigrants have waited for an immigration policy that would put their worries to rest. He made a good choice to use his executive powers to the fullest extent, and make an immigration policy that many have been awaiting for.
Although many people are mad at him for doing such thing, he had no choice but to do so since no one was doing anything about it. Obama at the beginning of his presidency  promised to do something about immigration. He was elected in 2009, 5 years have passed since and people thought he did nothing. People whose hopes were brought up, were slowly being crushed.
Activists and other people hoping for an immigration plan, didn't see that Obama was secretly working behind the scenes. The secretary of homeland security and Obama explored the powers the president had. With research they found out obama could do something about immigration without the help of others.

The immigration thing is one of the many things obama has done that is good. The dream act is one of his accomplishments. Because of this action many students who want to become part of this nation by studying, can finally do so. Obama is  not a bad president.  


  1. Co-Classmate Andrea Coji recently posted a response to an article addressing recent criticism on Obama’s service and performance as president. She provides examples of scandals and problems people cast Obama as the black sheep with such as Ebola and decisions he has made that people argue with such as his recent action taken on immigration. Andrea makes the argument that “Obama is not a bad president as most people think.” As well as forms a solid argument on why obama made a valid decision. She also points out that the president was within his powers and how this is a major landmark for immigration activists. Overall this article clearly shows Coji’s stance on Obama’s performance as president. However I would suggest she tells what Obama’s act did and why it positively affected people, why opposer of the act are against it, and other reasoning to why Obama is a great president.

  2. Although I agree with Andrea Coj's message about the Obama administration, her argument is poorly supported and leaves a lot to be desired in the way of references, making it seem like a rough draft rather than a final blog post. Coj's message is that the Obama administration is not as bad as everyone is making it out to be and cites the new immigration executive order as her evidence of this, saying that Obama "secretly working" on this plan makes his administration worthwhile.

    Ignoring grammatical errors, her argument is very weak, relying mainly on her experiences only and general statements about what has been happening in the political sphere. Coj also references ebola in what seems to be an afterthought, a point which, having been more developed, could have greatly improved the viability of this piece. Like I said, although I agree with the message that the Obama administration is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be and blame is laid on the president for things out of his control, I do not believe this article would convince anyone who disagreed with her point that this is a viable opinion.

  3. Classmate Andrea Coj responded to negative judgment towards Obama’s presidency in post titled "Blog 4" on her blog on December 3rd, 2014. It is evident from the article that Coj believes Obama has been doing his best to fix our country. Coj counter argues the article by describing how Obama “[made] an immigration policy” and does a decent job explaining this one reason. However, she fails to provide any other detailed explanation on why “Obama is not a bad president.” Because of this lack of support, Coj’s argument is not credible and is weak in structure. The amount of grammatical error also subtracts from her credibility. I suggest that she fix her grammar as it takes away from her professionalism. Instead of having three body paragraphs about one incident, I advise that each paragraph be another precedent where Obama help change or fixed one of the nation’s prolonged problems. The conclusion paragraph can be completely revised because it does not concisely restate the thesis. The last sentence of the conclusion can be deleted as it is obvious what Coj’s stance is and the sentence takes away from the overall message.

  4. A Critique on Politcal Coj Editorial Post

    On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Political Coj wrote about the pressure Obama faces for everything wrong that happens in the United States. Political Coj believes “Obama is not a bad president as most people think”. She describes how Obama main promise of helping with immigration policy. She believes with this that Obama has shown his worth as president and has shown that he will do what he promises.

    In this she tells us that it has taken Obama 5 years to accomplished one goal he has set for himself. Also telling us people have been disappointed before he finally tackled this issue. With this I believe that she is right in that Obama should not be blamed for everything wrong that happens; but I also believe he should be responsible for fixing the severe problems and be judged on how he deals with these issue.

    Political Coj gives a great reason why she believes that president Obama is doing what he say and why we should not blame him for everything wrong that happens. I agree with her reason and analysis but I also think that Obama should be doing more and that he should be judge on how he helping sever issues that do occur. Political Coj should give more reasons on why citizen should not be disappointed in our president
