Friday, December 12, 2014

Blog 5

On Wednesday December 3, 2014 Classmate Aldo Sanchez wrote an original commentary about President Obama possibly being impeached. Aldo explains that, “President Obama should not get impeached because of the executive order he took in order to fix the country's immigration policy.”  I agree with Aldo’s opinion. For many years I had to see my parents worry about being deported and fixing their papers. It was not a pleasant experience.
Since Obama made such a drastic decision, many families might not have to go through the worries my parents went though. Aldo says, “Immigrants are not all criminals. Some have families, pay taxes, some don't have Medicare, so republicans are mistaken by treating them as felons.” People against Obama saying that immigrants are felons, only see the bad side of immigrants. Not everyone is like that. It’s sad that people are so blind.

Aldo targets Republicans who are against Obama’s decision. The commentary itself is convincing. It almost makes you feel bad. Overall his opinion is something I would backup.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Blog 4

It is time people stop focusing on all the bad things obama has does, and to start looking at all the good things.The president is always blamed for thing that go bad in the country. When ebola stuck the U.S. Obama was blamed. In reality had nothing to with ebola. It’s outrageous what people blame obama of.
Obama is not a bad president as most people think. For many years immigrants have waited for an immigration policy that would put their worries to rest. He made a good choice to use his executive powers to the fullest extent, and make an immigration policy that many have been awaiting for.
Although many people are mad at him for doing such thing, he had no choice but to do so since no one was doing anything about it. Obama at the beginning of his presidency  promised to do something about immigration. He was elected in 2009, 5 years have passed since and people thought he did nothing. People whose hopes were brought up, were slowly being crushed.
Activists and other people hoping for an immigration plan, didn't see that Obama was secretly working behind the scenes. The secretary of homeland security and Obama explored the powers the president had. With research they found out obama could do something about immigration without the help of others.

The immigration thing is one of the many things obama has done that is good. The dream act is one of his accomplishments. Because of this action many students who want to become part of this nation by studying, can finally do so. Obama is  not a bad president.