Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Blog 3

On Tuesday, November 18, 2014, The New York Times Editorial Board published an opinion based article titled "Congress Must Act on War Authority"
            The article is expresses the feelings that congress should finally do something about using American forces against Islamic state (ISIS). The authors targets people against the Iraq and Syria “war” who think congress should focus on the ISIS problem, and congress.

            The author points out that for much time the problem has been left to the next people in office. The author says “it seems as if the current lame-duck Congress will leave the issue to the next one.” He expresses feelings of disappointment in congress. Since mid-term elections have just happened and republicans are taking over, he hopes that will address the issue. He explains that there are some already showing signs that they “want a broad war authorization that could be exploited to justify military action against terrorist groups geographically beyond Iraq and Syria”. Despite this there are some democrats that are open to the idea but are really passive and not doing much to help.
            Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has called for quick action along with others, to address the issue. The author suggests that Mr. Menendez  should enforce a resolution that focuses on ISIS, and not any “far-flung terrorist group”. He also suggests that fighting should be limited in Iraq and Syria.
            The article is a reliable source because it is written by The New York Times Editorial Board, composed of many members, who have some credibility. I agree with the authors, the new issue today is ISIS not the “war” in Iraq and Syria. Although they are also important ISIS at the moment is causing more trouble. The wording of the article caused a feeling of concern which I think is really effective in getting out their point. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Blog 2

On Sunday, November 2, 2014, The New York Times published an opinion based article titled "Cancel the Midterms"

The authors intended audience would be anyone who is eligible to votes and congressmen, because once congressmen are elected all the worry about is re-elections. Not giving enough attention to bigger problems in the nation.
 The author believes that midterm elections should be cancelled. He says they don’t let politicians / members of congress do their job correctly. If the member always has to worry about being re-elected, he’s never really focusing entirely on his job to represent all the people he has to.
 The author proposes to extend the term of a house member from 2 to 4 years and the term of a senator to either 4 or 8 years. Therefore the members would be elected during the presidential elections. The author states that by doing this “members of Congress [will have] the ability to focus more time and energy on governance instead of electioneering.”
Personally I agree with the author. The representatives shouldn't have to worry so much about being re-elected all the time. It would be perfect to elect representatives every time the presidential elections are going on. People would be more willing to vote for people of congress and house since it’s convenient.
Sometimes two years isn't enough to accomplish a lot.  For example immigration that would take a long time to figure out. If the members change every two years, then maybe the new members won’t agree with the seeing of the old members and they will never agree on anything. Two years isn't enough to accomplish almost everything.